Nicola Benedetti stood in a warmly lit corridor holding her violin in one hand

Benedetti Baroque Orchestra


  • 24 May 2021

    Nicola Benedetti and Askonas Holt present Baroque at Battersea Arts Centre

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    • Geoff Brown stated in The Times: "After a friendly introductory chat we moved on to the Vivaldi violin concertos… each of them delighting us in one way or another, from the stormy conversations of the B minor concerto, RV 386, to the soloist’s birdlike chirpings in E-flat major in RV 257… the audience, happily speckled with children, didn’t seem to mind. In any case, every triumph of Benedetti was matched by the triumphs of her eight specialist colleagues, all experts in performing baroque music with flair and enjoyment while avoiding stylistic extremes."